
                What does this mean?
                What does this mean?


If you are granted an RTP place, you will not be required to pay up-front tuition fees, nor will you accrue a HECS debt. Further information for Domestic Research Students is available here.

The estimated fee will be calculated based upon the information you have entered
Please see 2021 Commonwealth Supported Grandfathered Rates here.


Below are 3 search options.
You can search for ONE Course which will return the available Course Unitsets for you to select units from.
You can also search and add additional Unitsets to make further Unit selections.
Alternatively, you can search and add as many Units as you wish.

Add each unit that you intend to study.

Search criteria :

Important notes

  1. All fees quoted are for Units undertaken as part of a Course of Study
  2. Incidental Fees are not included in the Fees Calculator
  3. Fees quoted apply to Units studied in 2025 only. Different fees may apply to Units studied each year. ECU's fees are updated annually
  4. ECU reserves the right not to offer a particular Course or Unit. Please check the timetable to see when/whether the unit is offered
  5. Domestic Post Graduate Commonwealth Supported courses are listed here
  6. This information is consistent with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) and may be subject to change in accordance with any changes in the legislation
  7. If you select a postgraduate unit as an elective in a Commonwealth Supported Course, you may not be eligible for commonwealth funding for this unit
  8. Domestic students seeking information about fees for a higher degree research course should contact hdr.enquiries@ecu.edu.au
  9. 2021 Commonwealth Supported rates for units in professional pathway psychology and professional pathway social work are listed here.


Selected Units

Unit Title EFTSL Credit Pts Fee Select
No units selected, use the search above to find units.
Totals: 0 0 $0.00


The indicative First Year Course Fee is based on undertaking a load of 120 Credit Points (CP). 120 credit points is a typical full load, but does not apply to every course. Courses with more or less than 120 credit points per year will be charged in accordance with the number of credit points taken in that year.

Please note that depending on the Units selected, the Indicative First Year Course Fee may either decrease or increase, relative to the cost displayed, to reflect the Fees of the respective Units selected.

Fees quoted on units with 0 credit points represent semester fees. To obtain full year unit fee you need to multiply semester fee quoted times 2.