
The Teachers

The development of this website was made possible by the generosity and good will of a group of wonderful teachers and their children. It was a joy to work with them and the research team would like to express their gratitude to:

  • Roberta Axnick
  • Ros Figg
  • Julie Finn
  • Deborah Horton
  • Leanne Pomponio
Website Concept, Development and Management

Claire Brown diligently and with constant good humour coordinated the efforts of all contributors to produce the In Teachers' Hands website.

The Technical Production

This website was developed at Edith Cowan University. We acknowledge the technical expertise and goodwill of several talented people. We would like to thank:

Website development and system administration

Ryan Beaton - ECU

Video development

David Bellchambers

Video production and website development

Windsor Fick

Video filming and editing


Website development

Ryan Jenkins and Mike Smith - ECU

Website design

Adam Matthews - World Wide Print, West Perth

Research Team

The research team provided valuable feedback and advice on content during the development of the website. We thank each of the research members and in particular, we would like to acknowledge the following ECU Staff:

  • Prof Bill Louden
  • A/Prof Mary Rohl
  • Ms Jessica Elderfield
  • Ms Helen House